Health, Nutrition & Wellness Articles

Work stress: Learn to control your emotions

The knot in the stomach, palpitations, back pain… When faced with work stress, your response is above all emotional. Ultimately, this creates physical problems. The solution? Learn not to get carried away by your negative emotions. Summary Your stress is above all emotional Relaxation above all Colleagues stop talking to you because of a promotion Your work weighs you down, and it makes you aggressive In long periods of work,… Read More »Work stress: Learn to control your emotions

What to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea?

Eating well in case of diarrhea is essential to regain strength. Certain foods and drinks limit the occurrence of liquid stools, while others promote them. Experts tells us which ones to favor and which ones to avoid putting on her plate or in her glass. To follow to heal quickly! Here are some foods to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea. Summary for Eat and Drink in Diarrhea What vegetables can… Read More »What to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea?

Radishes a real slimming ally!

Benefits of Radish : Radishes a real slimming ally : Full Guide

White radish, red radish or black radish, this vegetable from the cruciferous family is crisp and refreshing. Low in calories, Radishes is a slimming ally … provided you eat it without butter! Discover the health benefits of radishes as well as some tips and recipes for consuming them. Lets make clear Radishes a real slimming ally. Summary A supplier of vitamin C and minerals. What are the main health benefits… Read More »Benefits of Radish : Radishes a real slimming ally : Full Guide

The objective: to get as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet. Here are the top 6 keys to lower your cholesterol.

6 Keys to lower your cholesterol: Mediterranean diet

When you have too high cholesterol, changing your eating habits is essential. The objective: to get as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet. Here are the top 6 keys to lower your cholesterol. Summary for 6 Keys to lower cholesterol Give pride of place to fibres Focus on antioxidants Watch your omega-3 intake Prefer lean meats Select the right dairy products Moderate sugar “By making the right food choices, we… Read More »6 Keys to lower your cholesterol: Mediterranean diet

Red fruits: Benefits for Blood vessels

Difficult blood circulation, dull complexion … What you need are red fruits. Strawberries, raspberries, currants… They give you beautiful skin and can relieve your venous system. Let’s go! Summary A good source of potassium and polyphenols How to choose and store red berries? Red fruits: beware, fragile products! Red fruits can only please you. They are low in calories (38.1 kcal / 100 g), rich in water (85.7 g /… Read More »Red fruits: Benefits for Blood vessels

10 Nutrition tips to boost your Fertility

10 Foods to help reduce Muscle Cramps

Muscle cramps are sudden, muscle involuntary contractions or muscle spasms usually develop in the leg muscles. Muscle cramps only occur for a short time and can go away within a few minutes. Dehydration, muscle tension, long stays and excessive use of muscle are some of the causes of muscle cramps. Here are some foods to help reduce muscle cramps. In addition, studies have shown that certain vitamin and mineral deficiencies… Read More »10 Foods to help reduce Muscle Cramps

These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and have many proven health benefits. Here you will find does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones?

Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!

Tomatoes are an important part of every Indian dish. They are delicious, juicy and flavorful. Whether you place your slices in your dishes or your samosas in tomato sauce, its unique flavour adds to the flavour of any meal you have. Tomato is known not only for its flavours but also for its nutrients. These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and… Read More »Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!

Broccoli a superfood and Benefits of Broccoli

In this article we are going to provide you with the benefits of Broccoli and will discuss the quote ” Broccoli A superfood. Summary The benefits of broccoli What does broccoli contain? Main vitamins and minerals The benefits of broccoli Several epidemiological studies have shown that high consumption of vegetables and fruits lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, certain cancers and other chronic diseases. The presence of antioxidants in vegetables… Read More »Broccoli a superfood and Benefits of Broccoli

How to diagnose Obesity

Fear of not getting pregnant: What to do

You have decided to have a baby with your partner, and you are impatient to get pregnant. Joy can quickly give way to stress, anxiety, and fear of not getting there. Discover some techniques to release the pressure and regain control of your life. Summary Manage to wait Be a day late for a pregnancy test To please yourself Strengthen the couple Recognize the difficulty To make a break Trying… Read More »Fear of not getting pregnant: What to do

anti stress

Anti-stress: 8 Tips to put lightness in your Life

There are plenty of reasons to complicate our lives. By instilling lightness, you can see things differently, release tensions and find a smile. Here are a few Anti-stress tips that will surely help to put lightness in your life. Summary Sort regularly Aspire to simplicity Cultivate humour! Be wary of your interpretations Take the time to have fun Learn fantasy Take off virtually Talk less about your worries Lightness has… Read More »Anti-stress: 8 Tips to put lightness in your Life