Health, Nutrition & Wellness Articles

Is meditation suitable for everyone? Here is the full guide

Books galore, internships that are always full, companies and schools opening their doors: would meditation be the new universal stress reliever? Can we all appropriate it? Here is the full guide for is meditation suitable for everyone. Summary Why such a success? Is meditation for you if you don’t stand up? Is meditation for you if it annoys you? Meditation for you if it worries you Is meditation for you… Read More »Is meditation suitable for everyone? Here is the full guide

8 Surprising Addictions in our Daily Life

Completely ordinary products like lip balm, ice cream or moisturizer, as well as habits like exercise and sex, can lead to addictive behaviours. It is important to identify them so that you can act and get help in the most appropriate way. Here are a few surprising addictions in our daily life.  Summary for addictions in our daily life: Lip balm Moisturizer Exercise Crunch ice Tattoos To be busy Selfies… Read More »8 Surprising Addictions in our Daily Life

The (very) Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Let’s be honest, the first time we hear about fasting, it’s FEAR! And yet, when we start to take an interest in ketogenic food, we see it coming from everywhere! We hear intermittent fasting, OMAD, 16: 8, among others. Little by little we are overwhelmed by the sad impression that we need a doctorate to be able to understand all that. And as if it was not complicated enough we… Read More »The (very) Complete Guide to Intermittent Fasting

Benefits of coconut

16 Ultimate Benefits of coconut: Why eat it?

Summary Good amount of Fatty acids High amount of Dietary Fibre Rich in Iron Good source of Magnesse and Copper Rich in Phosphorus Good Source of Magnessium and Selenium Rich in Zinc and Pottasium Vitamin B3 and Pantothenic acid Vitamin B6 Folate Good amount of Fatty acids The food contains several fatty acids in different proportions and these have different impacts on cardiovascular health. In coconuts, about 90% of the… Read More »16 Ultimate Benefits of coconut: Why eat it?

benefits of yogurt

Ultimate Benefits of yogurt: Why eat it?

Many people are unable to digest lactose, a sugar found naturally in milk and certain dairy products. Thanks to the fermentation process, the yogurt contains little lactose. In addition, its bacteria can synthesize an enzyme called beta-galactosidase which helps to digest lactose. Several studies indicate that people with lactose intolerance usually tolerate yogurt better than milk; they have fewer side effects such as bloating, gas and diarrhea. Here are some… Read More »Ultimate Benefits of yogurt: Why eat it?

3 Zen Exercises to overcome the stress of work

The constant pressure associated with work can have repercussions on your body: insomnia, physical or even psychological disorders. It is possible to get away from stress with simple relaxation exercises, to be carried out all day, even at the office! Here are three exercises to overcome the stress. Summary When you wake up, breathe At the office, untie the stress points of your body In the evening, release the stress… Read More »3 Zen Exercises to overcome the stress of work

Eating better to maintain mental health

More and more studies highlight the link between mood disorders and eating. Some specialists are now campaigning to offer a balanced diet to limit brain inflammation, promote cell growth, and better regulate mood. Here is how to maintain mental health It is still too rare to focus on the dietary requirements of the most complex and energy – consuming organ in the body: the brain . But some nutritional psychiatrists… Read More »Eating better to maintain mental health

Good foods for healthy heart – Full Guide

To prevent cardiovascular disease, we pay attention to what we eat. A diet rich in fish but also in fruits and vegetables promotes good heart health. No food is prohibited. Here are some foods for a healthy heart. Summary : Is there a diet to favour for the heart? What foods are good for the arteries? What foods are bad for the heart? Eat everything but not excessively, favouring food… Read More »Good foods for healthy heart – Full Guide

Aloe Vera for Gums

Aloe Vera for Gums | A plant to help our Gums

Rich in vitamins, sugars and minerals, aloe vera is famous for its moisturizing, softening and anti-scratch properties. It also has anti-inflammatory and anti-plaque properties, useful for oral health. Summary Aloe vera toothpaste, as effective as fluoride, In mouthwash, aloe vera has only qualities! In gel, aloe vera treats canker sores Aloe vera for prevention What precautions should you take? Among the first plants cited in the medical literature, aloe vera… Read More »Aloe Vera for Gums | A plant to help our Gums

benefits of lemon tea

Lemon Tea can help you lose weight | Benefits of Lemon Tea

Tea is an aromatic and simple home drink. Some prefer it as black tea (without milk) and some prefer it with milk. In addition to black tea, tea can be made in many varieties, such as green tea, oolong tea, blue tea, lemon tea, puh-erh tea. Here are some proven benefits of lemon tea. What is lemon tea? Lemon tea is a form of black tea, mixed with lemon juice… Read More »Lemon Tea can help you lose weight | Benefits of Lemon Tea