Health, Nutrition & Wellness Articles

What drugs to treat Hypertension – Ultimate guide

In India, high blood pressure is the most common cardiovascular risk factor. That is why it is important to control it well. When should medication be taken? How do the different families of antihypertensives work? What are their side effects? Here is a guide regarding drugs to treat hypertension and answers from our experts. We speak of hypertension when the blood pressure on the artery wall is too high. The… Read More »What drugs to treat Hypertension – Ultimate guide

Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue

The Ketogenic Diet: A Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue?

The ketogenic diet or the keto diet in English, goes completely against our eating habits. And yet, as several studies show (see below), its effectiveness seems to be on all fronts: health, well-being, weight loss and physical performance . Let’s see together how ketogenic diet is a Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue. The diet takes its name from ketone bodies, which then become the main source of energy for the body.… Read More »The Ketogenic Diet: A Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue?

Find White Teeth for a Bright smile – Ultimate guide

The color of the teeth changes and can be corrected. From scaling to dental veneers, including whitening based on hydrogen peroxide, different techniques can lighten them a little … or a lot. Between effective solutions and false promises, we take stock. Have a look at Find white teeth for a bright smile. Summary To remove yellow stains: descaling To brighten teeth: hydrogen peroxide Whiten one or more teeth: the veneers “The… Read More »Find White Teeth for a Bright smile – Ultimate guide

Fever: At what temperature should you worry?

Fever accompanies many of our infections, but the slightest flare sometimes leaves us clueless. Here are the questions to ask yourself when your temperature or that of your child reaches 38, 39, 40 ° C … Summary Is a disease more serious if it is accompanied by fever? Below 39 ° C, should you worry? Who are the most exposed? Which fever medicine to use? What to do when a… Read More »Fever: At what temperature should you worry?

Accept your emotions to feel alive

We are too likely to view our emotions as signs of weakness that must be suppressed. Yet these body reactions are essential. Here is how to Accept your emotions to feel alive. Summary Why do we deny our emotions? They scare us Why listen to your emotions? Avoid that they do not express themselves by the disease The proper use of emotions Emotions are both physiological and psychological reactions to… Read More »Accept your emotions to feel alive

Immunity: The benefits of blue sunlight on the body

Researchers have discovered that UV radiation brings benefits to immunity by a means other than the synthesis of vitamin D. This time, it is immune cells that are directly stimulated thanks to blue sunlight. Here are some benefits of blue sunlight. There is no doubt that a little sunlight is good for health, since it is largely thanks to her that the body is  full of vitamin D . A… Read More »Immunity: The benefits of blue sunlight on the body


When should a Magnesium cure be done?

Fitness, relaxation, balance … Magnesium is an essential mineral. As to when to take it and in what form, are quiet hard. Should a blood magnesium test be carried out? What are the different types of food supplements? Answers from experts about magnesium cure. Summary How to manifest lack of magnesium? Should we dose magnesium? When to take a food supplement? What form of magnesium to choose? At what dose… Read More »When should a Magnesium cure be done?

Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue

The gut, a centerpiece of the immune system

The intestine does not only have a digestive function. It is also the first immune defence organ in humans. A complex system which, by disrupting itself, exposes to allergic or inflammatory reactions. Here is a guide on centerpiece of the immune system. Summary An intestinal flora made up of billions of bacteria In the intestinal flora, bacteria beneficial to our health The multiple roles of bacteria The “gastro” lowers our… Read More »The gut, a centerpiece of the immune system

health benefits of Peas

The Pea: its health benefits of Peas, it’s cooking

A spring vegetable, the pea is a very complete food, rich in fibre, filling and antioxidant. Fresh, canned or frozen, what are the nutritional differences? How to cook it and the benefits of peas? Summary The health benefits of peas Health precautions Fresh peas, canned or frozen, what differences? Storage of fresh peas Cooking green peas and cooking tips The fresh pea is impatiently waiting for itself in spring. Do… Read More »The Pea: its health benefits of Peas, it’s cooking

Benefits of coconut

Foods to favour in case of Gas and Bloating

If your stomach swells after meals, don’t wait any longer to change your diet. Certain foods reduce the risk of flatulence and bloating, here we have mentioned some foods that can be helpful in case of gas and bloating. Summary Anti-bloating foods to put on the menu Think about the herbs and spices that help digest well Foods to limit that promote intestinal gas Choosing the right food and preparation… Read More »Foods to favour in case of Gas and Bloating