Health, Nutrition & Wellness Articles

Shape of Food Defines its Function

The Shape of Food Defines its Function

Around 1600, Paracelsus, a Swiss philosopher and alchemist, today considered the precursor of modern chemistry, formulate a hypothesis according to which each plant, every fruit existing in nature, had been created to cure our organism, given the similarity of each of them with parts of our body. Lets find how shape of Food Defines its Function This philosophy was very successful until, coming to modern times, thanks to consumerism, they… Read More »The Shape of Food Defines its Function

Menopause: Nutrition & Wellness for you – Ultimate guide

With the menopausal hormonal change the secretive dynamism disappears and the woman has to face a new static situation. There is metabolic slowness that also affects the physical form with a consequent increase in weight. Here is a guide of Menopause : Nutrition & Wellness. Modifications of mood also occur, accompanied by biochemical changes, but with nutrition, these can be affected to improve moods. For example, obsessive thinking is partially… Read More »Menopause: Nutrition & Wellness for you – Ultimate guide

How to do Intermittent Fasting – Full Guide

Hardly any other nutritional concept is currently as popular as the trend to limit its food intake to a certain period of time. Anyone looking for interval fasting on Instagram after the hashtag encounters more than 36,000 entries; in the English translation intermittent fasting, there are even two million posts. Many report successful weight loss, reduced hunger and better athletic performance. But what is really on the trend of intermittent… Read More »How to do Intermittent Fasting – Full Guide

Winter is coming – Strengthen your Immune System

Winter is about to start, and with it the most critical time of the year, when it comes to colds, runny nose or other diseases. But what can you do to get fit and healthy through the cold, except to sit in front of the heater wrapped in a thick bag of tea? We answered this question in the following article. Lets make shinner Strengthen your Immune System. Surely you… Read More »Winter is coming – Strengthen your Immune System

how to train with a Partner for better results

How to Train with a Friend for better results

Train with your Friend or Partner : Several studies have shown how training with a friend ensures important results. An example? You lose more and faster! Summer knocks on the door, it’s time to make peace with the scale and get back into shape. Or, for the most diligent, to perfect what has been done so far. If you can’t find the way to complete the training card on your… Read More »How to Train with a Friend for better results

diet fatty liver

Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver diseases and scarring of the liver are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Learn more here about how drinking alcohol results in liver diseases.  Fatty liver is seen in many conditions. Alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of liver damage. These diseases affect the liver to a great extent. A person’s lifestyle becomes miserable after having liver disease. The function of the liver is to remove… Read More »Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease

Our Gut is our Second Brain – Here is a full guide

Our health depends in part on the well-being of our belly, especially our gut. Containing millions of neurons, this complex organ is in constant communication with our brain. It seizes up, and our whole body suffers. So here we are going to discuss how our gut is our second brain. Summary We underestimate the role of the gut A sensitive and intelligent organ Two-way communication with the main brain The… Read More »Our Gut is our Second Brain – Here is a full guide

Tips to cure a cold naturally

Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally – Full Guide

Blocked nose, sneezing, discharge, sometimes headache or cough: cold symptoms are bothersome, but not serious. Nasal spray, plants, essential oils… what grandmother’s remedies or natural solutions to quickly cure a cold? Here are few Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally. Summary Do a nose wash Make inhalations Plants to decongest and calm flows Homeo cold solutions Without treatment, cold symptoms will go away on their own within seven to… Read More »Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally – Full Guide