Plants that boost our Immunity – Full guide

Here is a list on some plants that boost our immunity. Read the full guide to get all the information.

Echinacea: Immunostimulatory and anti-infectious

In times of high viral circulation or fatigue, phytotherapy gives a boost to our immune defenses. A plus to protect yourself from seasonal infections! Echinacea, cypress, elderberry, ganoderma … plants have unexpected benefits!

In autumn and winter, plants are useful for preparing your immune “terrain” , especially in fragile people such as children, the elderly, pregnant women, but also people with diabetes, suffering from respiratory or heart problems.

For more efficiency firstly, it may be wise to combine plants with other active ingredients known to support the immune system: probiotics, beehive products (propolisentête) and/or antioxidant vitamins.

Active ingredients: Its roots contain three interesting active ingredients: alkylamides which encourage certain white blood cells to absorb the microbe to prevent its progression; polysaccharides, large sugars that stimulate the production of antibodies; phenolic compounds that orchestrate the various defences of immunity.

Benefits of echinacea: Immunostimulant and anti-infectious.

Use of echinacea: In the form of standardized fresh plant extracts (EPS) or whole fresh plant suspensions (SIPF). Start with the first course of one month, then continue with discontinuous courses of 2 weeks per month.

The dose necessary to be effective? A teaspoon of fresh plant extract, morning and evening. Echinacea is often associated with cypress, during sensitive periods, or blackcurrant at a distance from the cold season.

Cypress: A powerful antiviral

Active:  Fruits contain tannins, proanthocyanidins, which prevent the virus from adhering to cells and kill them.

Benefits / indications of cypress: Preventive and curative treatment of viral infections such as the flu or herpes.

Use: In the form of an extract of fresh plants, combined in “masterful preparation” with echinacea, in cures of 10 days a month or 5 days out of 7 depending on the personal infectious risk.

Elderberry: Influenza first

Active: Its flowers give berries rich in polyphenols.

Benefits:  Elderberry juice helps shorten the symptomatic period of the flu according to two studies, hence it may boost the immunity . Also anti-inflammatory and expectorant effects. Also, recommend after a cold or flu to recover more easily.

Use:  In fluid extract, in preventive or curative treatment at the rate of 2 teaspoons 2 to 3 times a day. Because of its good taste, it can be a good alternative to cypress in children, provided they avoid alcohol-based products.

Precautions for use:  In the absence of toxicological data for pregnant and lactating women, we abstain.

Blackcurrant: Anti-inflammatory

Benefits of blackcurrant: Flavonoids give blackcurrant antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.

Use: In the form of a fluid extract, mother tincture or Quantis (enzymatic extraction process allowing all the active ingredients to be preserved). In case of repeated infections, take 5 days a week for a month or two depending on the feeling of fatigue.

Black radish: detoxifying and thinning

Active: Its root is rich in sulfur, essoufreux derivative and minerals.

Benefits of black radish: Reputed to detoxify the liver which is involved in immune regulation. It is also anti-bacterial , thinning bronchial secretions and nasal cavities.

Indications:  Recommended in case of rhinitis, sinusitis or chronic bronchitis.

Use:  In preparation of fresh plants, 1 to 2 teaspoons per day for 15 days per month, for one month for rhinitis or sinusitis repeatedly, more in smokers.

Precautions for use The treatment is postponed in case of recent problem of hepatic colic.

Ganoderma, to strengthen the immune system

Active: This mushroom, also called reishi, flourishes on oaks and fruit trees. It contains polysaccharides which increase the number of immunocompetent tissues at the intestinal level. And the digestive tract is full of them! There are still triterpenes, which resemble adaptogenic plants, allowing better resistance to stress.

Benefits: It acts on the immune system.

Use of Ganoderma: In the prevention or when the immune system has been weakened, by anticancer chemotherapy for example. In case, discontinuous courses, every other month, at the rate of 600 mg of dry extract per day divided into two doses, morning and evening.

Precautions for use: Avoid in case of immunosuppressive treatment or pregnancy.


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