Health, Nutrition & Wellness Articles

Red fruits : Their benefits for our blood vessels

15 Benefits of Yoga : Definitely would be surprised to know about these

  • Yoga

The main purpose of discovering certain things in life is that they are very useful in facilitating the lifestyle of an individual’s being. Keep healthy and make life enjoyable. Yoga is one of them. Undoubtedly not only is yoga gaining prominence among the only exercises the human body can do, but it’s also currently gaining immense popularity around the world. Many of the features that are an area of this… Read More »15 Benefits of Yoga : Definitely would be surprised to know about these

Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

High blood pressure is the most common disease in the world. But what really increases the tension? How to reduce it? Update with many specialists. Summary Are we hypertensive because we are stressed? Does physical exercise affect tension? What role does diet play in hypertension? What is the link between weight and tension? Can diseases increase blood pressure? Insomnia, sleep problems have an impact on BP? High blood pressure is… Read More »Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

Plants that boost our Immunity – Full guide

Here is a list on some plants that boost our immunity. Read the full guide to get all the information. Echinacea: Immunostimulatory and anti-infectious In times of high viral circulation or fatigue, phytotherapy gives a boost to our immune defenses. A plus to protect yourself from seasonal infections! Echinacea, cypress, elderberry, ganoderma … plants have unexpected benefits! In autumn and winter, plants are useful for preparing your immune “terrain” ,… Read More »Plants that boost our Immunity – Full guide

The detox cure to eliminate after the holidays

After the chain of festive and caloric menus, our body needs to take a break. To start this new year off right, take a detox cure after the holidays. Focus on foods that are easily digested and give a boost to the body’s garbage collection organs, especially the liver. Summary Start the day after the holidays Unlimited vegetables and fruit after the holidays Reduce your portion of animal protein Stay… Read More »The detox cure to eliminate after the holidays

Obesity: Are we really fans of junk food?

Summary Loneliness Promotes Junk Food We are stronger together than alone More and more ready meals Ingredients that promote obesity Set limits Advertising pressure from the food industry Eating well requires money … The poorest are more affected by obesity Eating well takes time … Loneliness promotes Junk Food “Isolation at mealtimes and lack of interest in cooking promotes junk food, analyzes experts. Certainly, we cook a little less and… Read More »Obesity: Are we really fans of junk food?


Heartburn: 10 Mistakes to Avoid while eating

When meals are struggling to pass, you have to ask yourself the right questions. Very often, difficult digestions can be adjusted by adapting your diet and correcting some bad lifestyle habits. Overview of the most frequent mistakes when you suffer from heartburn. Mistake 1: Eating too much fat and too much, especially in the evening Against acid reflux, eat light in the evening The stomach has trouble assimilating fried foods… Read More »Heartburn: 10 Mistakes to Avoid while eating

Work stress: Learn to control your emotions

The knot in the stomach, palpitations, back pain… When faced with work stress, your response is above all emotional. Ultimately, this creates physical problems. The solution? Learn not to get carried away by your negative emotions. Summary Your stress is above all emotional Relaxation above all Colleagues stop talking to you because of a promotion Your work weighs you down, and it makes you aggressive In long periods of work,… Read More »Work stress: Learn to control your emotions

What to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea?

Eating well in case of diarrhea is essential to regain strength. Certain foods and drinks limit the occurrence of liquid stools, while others promote them. Experts tells us which ones to favor and which ones to avoid putting on her plate or in her glass. To follow to heal quickly! Here are some foods to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea. Summary for Eat and Drink in Diarrhea What vegetables can… Read More »What to Eat and Drink in Diarrhea?

Radishes a real slimming ally!

Benefits of Radish : Radishes a real slimming ally : Full Guide

White radish, red radish or black radish, this vegetable from the cruciferous family is crisp and refreshing. Low in calories, Radishes is a slimming ally … provided you eat it without butter! Discover the health benefits of radishes as well as some tips and recipes for consuming them. Lets make clear Radishes a real slimming ally. Summary A supplier of vitamin C and minerals. What are the main health benefits… Read More »Benefits of Radish : Radishes a real slimming ally : Full Guide