What is Low Carb? “Low carb” means to greatly reduce the carbohydrates on the diet. Popular carbohydrate sources such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes as well as carbohydrate-rich fruits and juices are consumed significantly less or not at all. Lets have a look at Benefits of Low Carb Diet.
Carbohydrates and need
Carbohydrates are one of the three macronutrients besides protein and fat. These are not essential, unlike the other two. The body can produce carbohydrates by using the other two macronutrients. Carbohydrates can be differentiated according to their chemical molecular structure, whereby the various forms can be used by the body at different speeds to provide energy:
- Simple sugars (monosaccharides): readily available sugar, eg from honey and fruit
- Double sugars (disaccharides): are broken down into simple sugars by digestion, eg table sugar and lactose
- Multiple sugars (polysaccharides): long-available sugar, eg cereal products and legumes
Maybe you’ve already discovered that carbohydrate sources such as fruit, gummy bears or sugary sodas are quick to give you energy, but you’re not saturated with them for long. On the other hand, foods containing complex carbohydrates like potatoes or pasta fill you up a bit longer. By distinguishing carbohydrates according to their chemical composition, you now know why this is so: The long-chain carbohydrates must first be broken down by the body so that they also provide you with energy for longer.
Carbohydrate-reduced diets severely limit the use of all these sugar forms, with different forms of “low-carb diets” that handle carbohydrates with varying degrees of severity. The extreme here is the ketogenic diet. For example, in the best known form of the “Atkins Diet,” which reduces the level of carbohydrates to such a minimum that the body is in the state of ketosis. This happens when so little sugar is available that ketone bodies are formed from fatty acids.
Benefits of a low carb diet

As described above, the body is not necessarily dependent on the supply of carbohydrates. This is different with proteins and fats, because the body can not synthesise them. Sufficient protein is especially important for muscle growth and maintenance, while fats play an important role in the regulation of a healthy hormone balance, among other things. To save too much fats or protein during a diet can therefore have health consequences and diminish the success of the diet in that too low a protein intake also reduces muscle mass.
If, on the other hand, the carbohydrate intake reduces, more calories can be consumed in the form of protein and fat, which is why the negative consequences of a protein or fat deficiency occur only very rarely during low-carb diets. So it is possible
In addition, especially the beginning of a carbohydrate-reduced diet can bring a motivation boost. Because you initially lose a lot of water, which was previously bound by carbohydrates in the body. This loss of water makes the body appear more defined and of course also shows up on the scales. Benefits of Low Carb Diet
Myths about carbohydrates
“Low carb” is on everyone’s lips and in the media, we find many positive as well as negative headlines to it. At this point we want to take a closer look at some of these myths. “With a low carb diet, you can eat more calories because the body does not absorb the fat.”
It would be nice. Unfortunately, it stays the same: losing weight only works with a calorie deficit and kilocalorie remains kilocalorie. True is that it can work to be less hungry in a low carbohydrate diet and therefore eat less. Especially in the evening, carbohydrates make you fat.
Not true either. Again, the explanation is simple. Your body does not care if you consume carbohydrates in the morning, at noon or in the evening. It depends on the sum and ultimately on the calorie balance. Carbohydrates do not make you fat per se, and there are people who can do much better with a low-fat diet.
Without carbohydrates you have no energy in training

This statement is only partially true. Any calorie deficit, regardless of what macronutrient it creates, the body feels as exhausting. Of course, this can also affect your training. In most cases, however, you quickly get used to reduce calorie intake. It has already been explained above that the body synthesizes carbohydrates from fats and proteins when too little carbohydrate is available to provide energy. This adaptability varies from person to person, but it improves over time.
What is Low Carb? “Low carb” means to greatly reduce the carbohydrates on the diet. Popular carbohydrate sources such as bread, pasta, rice and potatoes as well as carbohydrate-rich fruits and juices are consume significantly less or not at all.
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