
Tips to cure a cold naturally

Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally – Full Guide

Blocked nose, sneezing, discharge, sometimes headache or cough: cold symptoms are bothersome, but not serious. Nasal spray, plants, essential oils… what grandmother’s remedies or natural solutions to quickly cure a cold? Here are few Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally. Summary Do a nose wash Make inhalations Plants to decongest and calm flows Homeo cold solutions Without treatment, cold symptoms will go away on their own within seven to… Read More »Ultimate Tips to cure a cold naturally – Full Guide

diet fatty liver

Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver diseases and scarring of the liver are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Learn more here about how drinking alcohol results in liver diseases.  Fatty liver is seen in many conditions. Alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of liver damage. These diseases affect the liver to a great extent. A person’s lifestyle becomes miserable after having liver disease. The function of the liver is to remove… Read More »Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease

How to diagnose Obesity

How to Diagnose Obesity – Read the Full Guide

Obesity is characterized by “an abnormal or excessive accumulation of body fat which can be harmful to health”. Here is how to diagnose Obesity ? It is basically the result of too much consumption of calories relative to energy expenditure, for several years. Obesity must be distinguished from being overweight , which is also overweight, but less significant. For its part, the morbid obesity is a very advance form of… Read More »How to Diagnose Obesity – Read the Full Guide

Treat sinusitis naturally

How to Treat sinusitis naturally – Full guide

A clogged nose, feeling of vice … In case of inflammation or pain in the sinuses, natural remedies based on plants, essential oils, seawater or self-massage help to be released. In this guide you will find how to Treat sinusitis naturally Summary A product based on sea water, to clear the nose An inhalation of essential oil of eucalyptus struck off, for a complete action on sinusitis The cypress /… Read More »How to Treat sinusitis naturally – Full guide

benefits of yoga

Mental health: Why is sleep so important?

Poor or insufficient sleep affects different parts of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and the tonsil. It thus amplifies mood disorders and anxiety. A few tips can help us get a good sleep and improve our mental health. Here is why is sleep so important. Have you noticed that after a bad night you tend to feel more depressed and anxious? The negative thoughts can overwhelm us and… Read More »Mental health: Why is sleep so important?

Our Gut is our Second Brain – Here is a full guide

Our health depends in part on the well-being of our belly, especially our gut. Containing millions of neurons, this complex organ is in constant communication with our brain. It seizes up, and our whole body suffers. So here we are going to discuss how our gut is our second brain. Summary We underestimate the role of the gut A sensitive and intelligent organ Two-way communication with the main brain The… Read More »Our Gut is our Second Brain – Here is a full guide

What foods are for healthy heart?

To prevent cardiovascular disease, we pay attention to what we eat. A diet rich in fish but also in fruits and vegetables promotes good heart health. No food is prohibited. Lets have a look at the foods for a healthy heart. Summary Is there a diet to favor for the heart? What foods are good for the arteries? What foods are bad for the heart? Eat everything but not excessively,… Read More »What foods are for healthy heart?

Red fruits : Their benefits for our blood vessels

3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune

How do stress, diet and physical activity actually affect our ability to resist disease? Here are 3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune. These steps will help you in improving the immune in a better way. Summary Stress Has No Impact Eating a balanced diet is not important Exercise Decreases Immunity The right steps to strengthen your child’s immune system – Anti-infection foods Influenza vaccine… Read More »3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune

Fasting: What is intermittent fasting?

Intermittent fasting or fasting allows you to rest your body for a few hours, quite simply. Be careful though, it is better not to repeat these periods of young people too often. Zoom on this express detox with Dr. Saldmann, nutritionist. So, let us have a look at the full information on What is intermittent fasting. Summary What is fasting? How to fast intermittently? Intermittent fasting: the benefits for the… Read More »Fasting: What is intermittent fasting?

Find White Teeth for a Bright smile – Ultimate guide

The color of the teeth changes and can be corrected. From scaling to dental veneers, including whitening based on hydrogen peroxide, different techniques can lighten them a little … or a lot. Between effective solutions and false promises, we take stock. Have a look at Find white teeth for a bright smile. Summary To remove yellow stains: descaling To brighten teeth: hydrogen peroxide Whiten one or more teeth: the veneers “The… Read More »Find White Teeth for a Bright smile – Ultimate guide