
High Blood Pressure: What causes it?

Many of the people have high blood pressure. A percentage that has not dropped since 2006. However, it is possible to act on certain causes of this disease. Monitoring your weight and diet is a good way to prevent cardiovascular disease! High blood pressure: what causes it? Summary Aging: 1st factor of hypertension High salt consumption Extra pounds Hypertensive parents Kidney disease Cigarettes raise the pressure Stress: a point factor… Read More »High Blood Pressure: What causes it?


Help your child overcome obesity day by day

There is no denying that heredity plays a role in the development of obesity in a child. However, it is possible to act. By rebalancing the diet. And by fighting against a sedentary lifestyle. Fewer screens and more physical activity! This guide will help your child to overcome obesity day by day. Summary Too fatty and too sweet meals Eat small amounts slowly The 6 essential dietary guidelines against childhood… Read More »Help your child overcome obesity day by day

Intermittent Fasting: 15 effects on your Health

Intermittent fasting continues on its way, thanks to your incredible Fasting results. For my part, I am beginning to know the benefits of fasting a little every day, and you? In this article, I wanted to take stock in 2021 of radical changes that you enjoy with intermittent fasting. You are thousands to practice it every day for weight loss. Learn about Intermittent fasting effects on health.. But for health?… Read More »Intermittent Fasting: 15 effects on your Health

Fever: At what temperature should you worry?

Fever accompanies many of our infections, but the slightest flare sometimes leaves us clueless. Here are the questions to ask yourself when your temperature or that of your child reaches 38, 39, 40 ° C … Summary Is a disease more serious if it is accompanied by fever? Below 39 ° C, should you worry? Who are the most exposed? Which fever medicine to use? What to do when a… Read More »Fever: At what temperature should you worry?

What is the best diet for mental health?

Is there a recipe, a diet or a typical menu ideal to promote good humor and fight against depression? While several studies have highlighted the link between mental health and diet, there is still work to be done to understand all of these mechanisms. Here is the best diet for mental health. When we choose what to eat every day , we often think about our physical health and our… Read More »What is the best diet for mental health?

Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue

The Ketogenic Diet: A Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue?

The ketogenic diet or the keto diet in English, goes completely against our eating habits. And yet, as several studies show (see below), its effectiveness seems to be on all fronts: health, well-being, weight loss and physical performance . Let’s see together how ketogenic diet is a Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue. The diet takes its name from ketone bodies, which then become the main source of energy for the body.… Read More »The Ketogenic Diet: A Weapon Against Chronic Fatigue?

Childhood Obesity: Are we mobilised enough?

In World, one in six children is overweight. We all have a role to play in the fight against childhood obesity. Summary Perfecting childhood obesity screening Changing the behavior of the whole family Limit advertising for fatty and sweet products My child is too fat, how should I react? After having increased sharply until the early 2000s, obesity in children and adolescents. It is even declining in 5-6 year olds.… Read More »Childhood Obesity: Are we mobilised enough?

Irritable Belly: What solutions against intestinal disorders?

Abdominal pain, transit problems for at least six months … Irritable bowel syndrome is annoying. Medicines, phytotherapy, osteopathy, work on breathing: there are many solutions. Here is a guide regarding Irritable belly: what solutions against intestinal disorders? Summary Several causes of intestinal irritation Medicines: a gradual treatment for transit disorders Peppermint against irritable bowel Breathe to release the diaphragm Osteopathy to relieve functional colopathy Probiotics, allies of transit Having an… Read More »Irritable Belly: What solutions against intestinal disorders?

Birch, ideal for a spring detox cure

Buds, juice, leaves, sap: in birch, everything is good for draining the body! We tell you how to use it for a great spring cleaning! Here is a guide regarding spring detox cure by birch. Summary for spring detox cure Birch buds to facilitate waste disposal Leaves, to have less cellulite Birch sap, to remineralize Precautions for use Every year, as spring approaches, organic shops tout the detox properties of… Read More »Birch, ideal for a spring detox cure

The Tomato – An Anti-aging ally – Here is full guide

A flagship vegetable for sunny days, the tomato has it all: vitamins, antioxidants, flavours, low-calorie… Our advice for tasting it well. With, as a bonus: a delicious gazpacho recipe. This guide will help you understanding how Tomato – An Anti-aging ally. Summary Sweet, tart, vitaminized, the tomato has it all! Vitamin C, carotenoids: a vegetable bursting with colour Lycopene, the antioxidant asset How to choose and store the tomato At… Read More »The Tomato – An Anti-aging ally – Here is full guide