Intermittent fasting or fasting allows you to rest your body for a few hours, quite simply. Be careful though, it is better not to repeat these periods of young people too often. Zoom on this express detox with Dr. Saldmann, nutritionist. So, let us have a look at the full information on What is intermittent fasting.
- What is fasting?
- How to fast intermittently?
- Intermittent fasting: the benefits for the body
- Fasting: Limits and recommendations
Since the dawn of time, the human being practices the fast , by obligation (at the time prehistoric for example, where the hunter-gatherer ate only according to its catch) or for religious reasons. Today, fasting and detox of all kinds are fashionable and sometimes controversial. Dr. Frédéric Saldmann, a nutritionist cardiologist, talks in his book Take your health in hand! a new type of fast, very short: sequential fasting. Also called fasting intermittently or fasting, this fast is less restrictive, more respectful of our feelings and our pace. However, many nutrition professionals recommend being cautious about this new trend.
Fasting, what is it?
Sequential fasting consists of fasting weekly for a short period of time . “It’s about not feeding for 12 to 16 hours, ” says Experts. The goal is to “pause” the body often overworked and help the liver to better perform its detoxification work. A job sometimes made difficult by meals too rich. “This detox allows you to reset the counters while learning to better manage your appetite,” clarifies the doctor.
Sequential fasting, if usually done at night for practical reasons, should not be confused with physiological fasting, which is a natural fast and corresponds to fasting.
How to fast intermittently?
Sequential fasting is very simple to practice. It is enough to stop eating around 8 pm, after a very light dinner, and to start feeding again the next day at 12 or 13 hours. During this time, you should be well hydrated by drinking plenty of water or herbal teas without sugar.

If the easiest way is to practice night sequential fasting, Experts confide that everyone can adapt it to his desires and his way of life: ” The most important thing is to listen to his body and therefore to pause when it suits him. “For example, for people who are busy and need to recharge their batteries with a solid breakfast, eating nothing in the morning can be complicated.
Experts assure that sequential fasting can also be adapted to everyone’s needs: ” It is possible to skip lunch and eat a normal breakfast upon waking.” Everyone can adapt the sequential fast as he / she feels his activity. “The most important thing is to rest your body for at least 12 hours at the most opportune time of the day.
For 12 hours, 16 hours or even 24 hours, the sequential fasting is quite flexible: ” Everyone breaks the fast when he wishes. If there is no contraindication from your doctor, it is even possible to ‘stop feeding for a whole day, while maintaining good hydration’ .
Intermittent fasting: The benefits for the body
When fasting remains very casual, ” the results are amazing “. ” Fasting is a way to strengthen the DNA ,” he continues, “and therefore to reduce the risk of developing a 2-3-4 cancer .” There is also a decrease in fatigue with a boost in tone, a drop in frequency of allergies 5 , asthma and rheumatism 6. Sequential fasting helps to better eliminate metabolic waste and reduce inflammation . “Finally, the latest studies point out that “fasting also helps boost our immune defences.
This fasting short would also be a beauty asset , since the doctor speaks of ” lighter complexion ” observed thanks to sequential fasting. Profits that are felt ” fairly quickly ” ensures Dr. Saldmann.
However, if this fast has many advantages, if it can help to feel better in one’s body, it is not intended to cure any pathology. ” We are in the field of prevention with sequential fasting, not treatment, the idea is to give our body the opportunity to pause and promote well-being “.
The other important interest of the young sequential according to the professional is that it ” allows to find the sensations related to the appetite ” . It is important to stay in shape according to the nutritionist cardiologist to listen to his feelings and not to eat without hunger.
Fasting: Limits and recommendations

Although the sequential fasting is not mandatory to implement and does not present a health risk priori, ” people who suffer from hypoglycaemia , pregnant women, people taking certain medicines “. Before starting, it is better to seek advice from your doctor, ” regardless of the physical condition and general health “.
Attention to the frequency too. If a very occasional fasting can have positive effects like those of a detox, more often it could on the contrary accelerate muscle wasting, hypoglycaemia and the feeling of tiredness.