Many of the people have high blood pressure. A percentage that has not dropped since 2006. However, it is possible to act on certain causes of this disease. Monitoring your weight and diet is a good way to prevent cardiovascular disease! High blood pressure: what causes it?
- Aging: 1st factor of hypertension
- High salt consumption
- Extra pounds
- Hypertensive parents
- Kidney disease
- Cigarettes raise the pressure
- Stress: a point factor in hypertension
High blood pressure has multiple causes. It is impossible to act on certain factors, such as age or heredity. However, everyone can monitor their weight and diet.
Aging: 1st factor of hypertension
Hypertension is an excessive pressure of blood in the arteries. Over time, the entire cardiovascular system suffers and the frequency of heart disease and stroke increases.
However, “with age, the arterial system loses its flexibility,” observes cardiologist experts.
The arteries being more rigid, the blood pressure increases mechanically. “80% of hypertensive people on treatment are over 55,” said the cardiologist. In fact, women often see their blood pressure rise at the time of menopause. During this period, screening is particularly important.
When measuring this blood pressure, the result should not exceed on average 135/85 millimeters of mercury (mmHg), after three measurements in the morning, three measurements in the evening, for three days. As you get older, the first value (systolic pressure or SYS on the blood pressure monitor) increases. This is why, it is accepted that in people over 80, “the threshold not to be exceeded is 145/85”, according to experts.
High salt consumption
The salt consumed excessively (more than 12 grams per day) can increase blood pressure (+ 1 mmHg voltage SYS per 1 gram of excess salt daily note, he hides everywhere. In bread, cold cuts, cheese, smoked fish, bouillon cubes, soy sauces …
“A single very salty meal can cause a surge of tension,” said an expert.
For reasons still unknown, only 40% of hypertensive people will reduce their blood pressure by reducing the salt in their diet. If the BP not dropped enough after eating less salty food for one to two weeks, medication should be taken .
Extra pounds
“Overweight is a factor that promotes high blood pressure,” says the cardiologist. Losing the extra pounds can sometimes be enough to restore normal.
“Weight loss is very often beneficial in the cae of hypertension. Losing 5 kg causes the SYS (systolic) blood pressure to drop by 5 millimeters of mercury, ” says experts. This is all the more important since this overweight is often associated with other cardiovascular risk factors such as excess cholesterol and diabetes.
Hypertensive parents
The heredity largely explains the occurrence of hypertension. A person whose parents have been diagnosed as hypertensive at around 40-45 years of age must be extra vigilant and carefully monitor the development of their BP from the age of 20.
Kidney disease
The kidneys have, in particular, the function of regulating water and salt in the body . A disfunction will therefore lead to an increase in BP. This should be particularly monitored in case of kidney disease. A problem with the adrenal glands can also have an impact.
“A patient suffering from hypertension, and whose blood test reveals a drop in potassium levels, must speak to his cardiologist and undertake an assessment in search of an adrenal cause,” advises experts.
Cigarettes raise the pressure
Tobacco acts on the size of blood vessels. BP remains moderately elevated for 20 minutes after a cigarette. Tobacco is therefore not directly responsible for high blood pressure. However, this is not an incentive to smoke!
Stress: a point factor in hypertension
Everyone knows the “white coat effect” in the doctor. You are worried, stressed, which increases your blood pressure. This is the reason why, a single pressure measurement is not enough to make a diagnosis of hypertension. To get a good picture of your blood pressure, repeat the measurements regularly with a BP monitor and average over 12 to 18 measurements.
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