kidney stones


How to prevent recurrences of urinary or kidney stones?

Stones in the kidneys or ureter refer to crystals, which when enlarged can block the urinary tract. They are largely related to our diet. Our advice to limit the risk of recurrence. Here is how to prevent recurrences of urinary or kidney stones. Summary A better lifestyle reduces the risk of recurrence Two liters of water per day Calcium: neither too much nor too little Salt: as little as possible… Read More »How to prevent recurrences of urinary or kidney stones?

These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and have many proven health benefits. Here you will find does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones?

Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!

Tomatoes are an important part of every Indian dish. They are delicious, juicy and flavorful. Whether you place your slices in your dishes or your samosas in tomato sauce, its unique flavour adds to the flavour of any meal you have. Tomato is known not only for its flavours but also for its nutrients. These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and… Read More »Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!