
Benefits of Spinach : How Spinach is a Real Antioxidant

Contrary to popular belief, spinach is not the best source of iron. But the light in calories, rich in vitamins and other antioxidant compounds, these green vegetables are overflowing with benefits. Let’s enjoy this guide of benefits of spinach! Summary It helps keep good eyesight It helps fight fatigue Spinach looks good It is rich in chlorophyll, fiber and folate When should you avoid consuming it? Three foods to pair… Read More »Benefits of Spinach : How Spinach is a Real Antioxidant

The objective: to get as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet. Here are the top 6 keys to lower your cholesterol.

6 Keys to lower your cholesterol: Mediterranean diet

When you have too high cholesterol, changing your eating habits is essential. The objective: to get as close as possible to the Mediterranean diet. Here are the top 6 keys to lower your cholesterol. Summary for 6 Keys to lower cholesterol Give pride of place to fibres Focus on antioxidants Watch your omega-3 intake Prefer lean meats Select the right dairy products Moderate sugar “By making the right food choices, we… Read More »6 Keys to lower your cholesterol: Mediterranean diet