
Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

High blood pressure is the most common disease in the world. But what really increases the tension? How to reduce it? Update with many specialists. Summary Are we hypertensive because we are stressed? Does physical exercise affect tension? What role does diet play in hypertension? What is the link between weight and tension? Can diseases increase blood pressure? Insomnia, sleep problems have an impact on BP? High blood pressure is… Read More »Blood pressure: What makes it go up and down

Plants that boost our Immunity – Full guide

Here is a list on some plants that boost our immunity. Read the full guide to get all the information. Echinacea: Immunostimulatory and anti-infectious In times of high viral circulation or fatigue, phytotherapy gives a boost to our immune defenses. A plus to protect yourself from seasonal infections! Echinacea, cypress, elderberry, ganoderma … plants have unexpected benefits! In autumn and winter, plants are useful for preparing your immune “terrain” ,… Read More »Plants that boost our Immunity – Full guide

These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and have many proven health benefits. Here you will find does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones?

Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!

Tomatoes are an important part of every Indian dish. They are delicious, juicy and flavorful. Whether you place your slices in your dishes or your samosas in tomato sauce, its unique flavour adds to the flavour of any meal you have. Tomato is known not only for its flavours but also for its nutrients. These red citric fruits are rich in vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, fibre and protein, and… Read More »Does eating tomatoes cause kidney stones? Find out the truth …!

Gastroenteritis – How to protect yourself from Cold Flu?

Staying bedridden, feverish and wacky, is not a bright prospect, especially during the holiday season. There are a few precautions you can take to protect yourself against winter viruses. Gastroenteritis – How to protect yourself from Cold Flu? Summary Why are we more vulnerable to viruses in winter? What to know to limit the risk of contamination Get the flu shot Beware of sanitizing sprays Like every year, autumn and… Read More »Gastroenteritis – How to protect yourself from Cold Flu?