Child Care


Help your child overcome obesity day by day

There is no denying that heredity plays a role in the development of obesity in a child. However, it is possible to act. By rebalancing the diet. And by fighting against a sedentary lifestyle. Fewer screens and more physical activity! This guide will help your child to overcome obesity day by day. Summary Too fatty and too sweet meals Eat small amounts slowly The 6 essential dietary guidelines against childhood… Read More »Help your child overcome obesity day by day

Red fruits : Their benefits for our blood vessels

3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune

How do stress, diet and physical activity actually affect our ability to resist disease? Here are 3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune. These steps will help you in improving the immune in a better way. Summary Stress Has No Impact Eating a balanced diet is not important Exercise Decreases Immunity The right steps to strengthen your child’s immune system – Anti-infection foods Influenza vaccine… Read More »3 Myths about the immune and the steps to strengthen child’s immune

Fever: At what temperature should you worry?

Fever accompanies many of our infections, but the slightest flare sometimes leaves us clueless. Here are the questions to ask yourself when your temperature or that of your child reaches 38, 39, 40 ° C … Summary Is a disease more serious if it is accompanied by fever? Below 39 ° C, should you worry? Who are the most exposed? Which fever medicine to use? What to do when a… Read More »Fever: At what temperature should you worry?