mental health

benefits of yoga

Mental health: Why is sleep so important?

Poor or insufficient sleep affects different parts of the brain, such as the prefrontal cortex and the tonsil. It thus amplifies mood disorders and anxiety. A few tips can help us get a good sleep and improve our mental health. Here is why is sleep so important. Have you noticed that after a bad night you tend to feel more depressed and anxious? The negative thoughts can overwhelm us and… Read More »Mental health: Why is sleep so important?

5 Good Resolutions for our mental health

Everyone can take an active role in maintaining and improving their mental health. Discover some good resolutions to take. Here are some good resolutions for our mental health. Summary Physical exercise Social commitment Spirituality Nature Letting go The beginning of the year gives us the opportunity to take stock of the past months, reflecting on the projects carried out, the challenges that have arisen, and the lessons learned. It is… Read More »5 Good Resolutions for our mental health