Difficult blood circulation, dull complexion … What you need are red fruits. Strawberries, raspberries, currants… They give you beautiful skin and can relieve your venous system. Let’s go!
- A good source of potassium and polyphenols
- How to choose and store red berries?
- Red fruits: beware, fragile products!
Red fruits can only please you. They are low in calories (38.1 kcal / 100 g), rich in water (85.7 g / 100 g) and they contain, in addition, many nutrients, good for your health.
A good source of potassium and polyphenols
At the top of the list, their potassium content which will help you to fill up with energy throughout the day (225 mg / 100g). And vitamin C (67.9 mg / 100 g) will allow you to fight against premature cell aging caused by the excessive development of free radicals in your body.
Red fruits are also a good source of polyphenols (also called vitamin P). Under this somewhat barbaric name hide micro-constituents with multiple protective effects for your health. “Like vitamin C, polyphenols are first of all-powerful antioxidants and fight, among other things, against the excessive formation of free radicals”, informs expert dietitians.

Polyphenols also help balance your blood circulation. “Some of their compounds, anthocyanins (coloured pigments of red fruits) (from 10 to 420 mg / 100 g, depending on the variety), increase the resistance of blood vessels and improve blood fluidity,” explains experts. Everything to relieve your legs! And the blood that circulates better is also better oxygenated and less dull skin.
How to choose and store red berries?
- Choose firm but not hard, shiny strawberries with a nice uniform red (or pinkish) colour. Their collar should be bright green and they should smell good. Do not select fruit with a slightly bland colour: they will not ripen in your home!
- Raspberries must smell good and not show any trace of mould.
- Choose the cherries according to your preferences. For a sweet taste and juicy flesh, opt for the guigne or bizarre varieties. For a more tangy flavour, turn to Morello cherries or Montmorency.
- Gooseberries should be a bright and nice uniform colour. Depending on your taste, choose the red colour, which is fairly tart, or the white colour, which is sweeter.
- Whatever red fruits you buy, check the underside of the tray in which they are sold. If they are overwritten, you will see it right away.
- When you have made your choice, place them on top of your basket so that they do not crush.
Red fruits: Beware, fragile products!
To enjoy the flavor of red fruits, eat them immediately. However, if you want to keep them a little (no more than three days), keep them in a cool place or in the vegetable drawer of your refrigerator.
Note that blueberries are an exception in terms of conservation: they keep for at least ten days and can be exposed to a temperature of 10 ° C. If you want to enjoy your red fruits all year round, you can keep them cold for a few months: they support freezing very well.
Another alternative: Fruit jars. Firstly, make a syrup. Heat a liter of water and 200 g of sugar. Once this mixture is boiling, add your red fruits. Pour this preparation into jars and close them tightly. Keep them in a cool place (cellar, garage …) and away from light.
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