
More different vegetables on Plate, More children eat

Recent experience indicates that in order to promote children’s appetite for vegetables, it is better to bring a high plant diversity to the plate rather than a single vegetable. More different vegetables on Plate, more children eat. Why it’s important Vegetables are not usually the foods kids love the most, especially when they are poorly cooked, as can be the case in the canteen. Yet these foods are essential for… Read More »More different vegetables on Plate, More children eat

diet fatty liver

Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease

Fatty liver diseases and scarring of the liver are caused by excessive consumption of alcohol. Learn more here about how drinking alcohol results in liver diseases.  Fatty liver is seen in many conditions. Alcohol consumption is one of the most common causes of liver damage. These diseases affect the liver to a great extent. A person’s lifestyle becomes miserable after having liver disease. The function of the liver is to remove… Read More »Why Drinking Alcohol Leads To Fatty Liver Disease